About Us

About St. John’s

To borrow the words of our Presiding Bishop, Michael B. Curry, at St. John’s Episcopal Church we seek to know the One “Loving, Liberating and Life-Giving God.”

We want to know you, and we want to welcome you home!

The community of St. John’s seeks to know Christ through our worship, through our different ministries, through our outreach programs, and through serving our community. We want Christ to be the cornerstone of our lives, instead of trying to do it all ourselves. We want to obey the teachings of God, and live our lives in a more Christ-like manner.

The centerpiece of our worship service, at St. John’s, is the Holy Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion. The Eucharist is the Christian ceremony in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed as the Body and Blood of Christ. Through the Eucharist, Christians remember both Christ’s sacrifice of himself on the cross, and also the commission of the apostles at the Last Supper, when Jesus commanded his followers to “do this in remembrance of me.”

Our worship is generally traditional in style, from the glorious choir anthems and hymns we sing, to the words we say.  We draw our worship from the Book of Common Prayer, a book we inherit from our English/Anglican roots in the mid-sixteenth century.  However, all you will need to engage in worship with us is a Sunday bulletin, a hymnal, and most importantly, yourself!

Again, we want to know you, and welcome you home. We hope you will join us in prayer, fellowship, and the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. John’s Episcopal Church
5401 N Brookline Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73112

