Instant Church Directory
Password Protected!
This membership directory is a tool by which you can view or find members of St. John's Episcopal Church. You can also edit or delete your family membership. Each family membership can include contact information, address, spouse and children, birthdays and anniversaries. This information is of importance to all your fellow members.
To access the Directory, click on the icon below. There is also a "Church Directory" button in the footer of each page of the site. Either way, no one will have access without the correct email address and a password.
If you haven't set up a password, that will be your first objective. You will be asked to use the email address for your family in order to set a password. If you do not know which email address you used as the "family email", call the church administrative assistant for that information. After you set up your password, you will be able to access your family page at will. Your assistance in keeping the Directory up to date will help us keep up with you.